YP Invitation

1625 Myrtle Ave

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 44221

April 5, 2024

Dear Young People:

In consideration of the conference and young people’s camp, we had verses connected with open doors brought before us. We recognize that there are many doors that are encountered in life, with some being open and some closed. We pray that the Lord gives you discernment as to which doors you ought to go through and others you should not. Also, in Revelation 3:20, it says “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” It speaks of a door that is opened voluntarily in response to the Lord calling and knocking. It is our desire that the door of our hearts would be gladly opened in response to Him so sweet fellowship can be enjoyed with Him.

Along those lines, it is our desire to host the Carrollton camp again this year. It is our prayer and desire that you would grow in your relationship with the Lord and enjoy greater communion with Him. Lord willing, activities will begin at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3rd and will continue until Friday, July 5th at lunchtime. Note that the YP time precedes the conference which will start the afternoon of July 5. If you plan to attend the young people’s camp, please register at www.bibleconferenceregistration.com or contact Joe Smith (Phone: 330-603-8646, Email: JoeandRuth383@gmail.com) for any questions you may have. We ask that you register no later than June 16.

Please bring appropriate clothing for all physical activities, which may include various running and swimming activities. The time at the camp also typically involves at least one messy game or activity so it is highly advisable to bring extra changes of clothing.

We appreciate your prayers, particularly that through this time together, you would grow in your relationship with the Lord and strengthen friendships with each other.

Signed on behalf of those gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in Cuyahoga Falls:

 Ted Allan & Mark Hapanowicz & Michael Hapanowicz